Crack Clan
One of the most notorious organizations, specializing in illicit substances and underground activity.
Role: Leader of Crack
Crimes: Conspiracy, extortion, money laundering, and running a continuing criminal enterprise
Role: Second In Command
Crimes: Drug trafficking in crack cocaine (Sched. II Substance), Unauthorized removal of classified documents (Goon Material), Aiming a laser pointer at aircraft, Use of weapons of mass destruction
Role: Fishtank Expert
Crimes: Simping, Known Chinese infiltrator, holds unused rock climbing gym pass, cannot ride switch, conspiring with LEXXBOT, manlet
Role: Book Keeper of Crack
Crimes: Kidnapping, Racketteering, Terrorist Bombings, Misc War Crimes
Role: Loot Goblin
Crimes: Retard, False accusations of federal agents, real life goblin, impersonation of staff
Role: Enforcer
Crimes: Former #1 women hater, subjected to simping after s3, muted by most users for spamming "JOIN CRACK", probably an ATF agent
Role: Enforcer
Crimes: Broke the FishTank
Gold Clan
A cult of self-hating outcasts that attempt to bring others down with them.
Role: Gold Leader
Crimes: Autistic obsession with Burt and Dave, investment fraud, phishing
Role: Load Taker
Crimes: Stalking, affiliated with Fishfish
Role: Gold Turtle Keeper
Crimes: Impersonated an officer of the law, scaring junkies to give up their drugs, selling it to orphans overseas, possibly involved with 9/11
Role: Gold Spy
Crimes: Head of a war crime filled clan, disobedience of Geneva Conventions via improper use of medic symbol